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"First, why isn't okay good enough? Just because my experience wasn't stellar doesn't mean I don't recognize the hard work put in by no less than 4 individuals on my behalf. We had miscommunication issues several times, but after some discussions, one member or another resolved them. The biggest issue was not fully the team's fault, but it has made me unhappy with Movement Mortgage. I was assured, I think by Claudia or Alina, that the disclosures were just that and were not the actual loan. I expressed that I wanted no electronic signatures linked to my home and was told the final loan documents required physical signatures, not electronic ones. I felt better and ONLY signed the disclosures electronically because of this assurance and the insistence that we were on a time crunch (a due date had not been communicated to me, and things had slowed down because I had been sent FHA disclosures instead of Conventional loan discloasures). After signing with the notary, I thought everything was done, but I was told I had more to signe electronically. I was forced to sign the loan again electronically or lose my home because Movement Mortgage has a ridiculous policy that if one document is signed electronically, they all must be. My team apparently didn't know this or did not understand how serious I was about only signing physically. I experienced a great level of anxiety and stress over this situation and am still irritated about it. The only reason I signed was after hours of angry prayer, God sent peace to my heart, and I knew it would be okay to sign. Just minutes after that decision, my relator called to tell me that the Movement team probably has never had to work with someone like me and they didn't mean to mislead me, it was probably accidental. I took this as confirmation of the peaceful feeling being answer to prayer. It would have been nice to receive a follow-up email from at least one of the team after I let them know I was going ahead and signing. There was no apology for providing incomplete/incorrect information about esignatures. Instead, I received a survey request that was obviously computer generated with the comment, "I hope I made your experience stress free. Chris would not have written that after not following up on my stressful situation."
An Impact Lender guarantees that at least 10% of their profits go to lifting up communities. As the leading Impact Lender in the US, Movement gives nearly 50% of our profits!