6 ways to survive a move
Moving is daunting. We've all experienced the box that's been packed too full to carry. (By the way, where do you get great moving boxes?) And the moment you realize you forgot to turn on a utility (who needs running water, anyway?).
Then there's the post-move level of exhaustion that somehow feels worse than running a marathon. You're unable to move, but little voices are still asking, "what's for dinner," and you immediately panic because you have no idea where the pots and pans are hiding.
This is where we come in. To make the move a bit easier, we wanted to share steps you can take before and after to facilitate an easy move. Check out these six ways to survive moving into your new home.
The "I should maybe start packing" part
Get sharpie crazy: The easiest way to pack is to organize boxes by room and label them. Get a sharpie and name those boxes by room to make them easy to unpack at the new house. Use this packing checklist from Martha Stewart to help organize your packing process. Don't forget to pack an overnight box with essentials for your first couple of nights in your new home.
You've got mail: Before moving day, check the utilities at your new home and schedule them to turn on before you move in. You don't want to be stuck without electricity. You can either go to your current post office or online to request a change of address. The online version is easy and takes a couple of days to process. Here is the official USPS change of address online form.
Be a meal prep machine: Tired after a long move-in day? Previously prepared meals will come in handy. Pinterest some easy recipes to freeze beforehand and all you'll need to do is heat them up at your new place. Here are 10 healthy crockpot freezer meals in one hour. (You're welcome.)
The "Every time I unpack a box, another one appears" part
Time is of the essence: Whether you try to fit it all into one day or make a few trips, moving takes time. Make sure you have enough time to move, unpack and relax in your new place. Check off this moving timeline to make sure you're truly settled before you jump back into work, school or life as usual.
There's a pecking order: Remember those labeled boxes? Now they can go to the appropriate room. Start with your kitchen, master bedroom and bathroom. They are the rooms you'll most likely use first. This is a 10-step list to unpack efficiently.
Clean as a whistle: After moving, the last thing you want to do is clean, but someone has to do it. Get it out of the way as soon as possible so you can relax in your new home. Figure out your new trash routine, break down boxes and store them in your attic for future use. Stock up on cleaning supplies, trash bags and tools to assemble furniture.
Congratulations on your new place! With these tips, you'll have it feeling like home in no time.